Why Cant I Find Someone To Love?
Love is arguably one of the most frequently used word in our day to day lives. Finding love in this big bang universe can be easy, but finding true love can be really difficult. Who doesn’t want to be loved? A feeling that is cherished at every age and by every human being. There is no end to love in our hearts. All we need is to find someone to love who will stay with us forever.
Whether it is a five year old child or a seventy year old septuagenarian, love sees no boundary. So much so that it actually doesn’t matter to an extent whether you are single or married, rich or poor, dark or fair and even male or female. Finding someone special doesnt need any protocol or a specific age. Neither does one see how, where and why one should fall in love and of course with whom. As they say love happens and it happens for the best and to the best.
Every emotion is tied to love. Though in todays fast paced wheeling lifestyle falling in and of course out of love is quite fast. It is actually as fast as putting the fork in and out of the mouth while eating. But still people don’t stop falling in love. The craving to find some in life is as active a desire as other essentials in life. When and how, well no one knows. But surely there is someone waiting for you out there.
Online match-making sites along with find your lover web campaigns have been a great boon for people wanting to find someone special in life. It has also been seen that many times the love life compatibility of couples through such online matrimonial websites are quite higher than expected. Well, that tells us that there is no set place to fall in love or find love. At the same time you needn’t be a princess or a prince charming to find true love. Love is all around you and its free ! An oversized teddy bear, a big box of chocolate and thousand roses can easily make you stroll in the seventh heaven, but what matters more is the person at large and his unconditional love for you.
Caste, Creed, religion, age and even sex, yes you heard me right even sex, in modern times are some of the most frivolous words to be used when someone rowns himself in love. Interestingly though, for many couple in love everything else in life take a back seat. Talk to them about job, education , family and all you end up getting is a frosty nose stare. And why not, is there anything more beautiful and satisfying than falling in love? Well, for the sake of all die hard lovers the answer has to be a big NO.
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