Holiday Potential

I was listening to the radio yesterday and heard some caller dispensing advice about breaking up during the holidays. While he agreed that breaking up at this time was not the most prudent answer; he had a back-up plan for couples who haven’t made a clean break. He had an emergency gift for his soon-to-be ex-paramour just in case she still had one for him. That might be a fine idea to avoid awkward moments, but doesn’t the exchange indicate that the break was only temporary? Anyhoo, this made me think about all of the couples who break up during the holidays, and the couples who are staying together.

Christmas and New Year’s Eve provide the perfect backdrop for romantic activity; even if you’re suddenly single. Can you think of another time where parties are more prevalent? It’s also the time of year when people find themselves feeling more emotionally generous. Combine these two factors and you have a perfect opportunity to get to know somebody better (preferably not the guy at your office party who spends the evening making Xerox copies of his assets). Now, the pessimist is going to complain about going to these holiday parties alone while the optimist will seize the opportunity to share eggnog with a new friend. Did you know that the average adult receives five to six holiday party invitations? For those of you who complain about not having any way to meet new people; take a breath and consider the obvious bounty of socializing potential. If you won’t make the effort, don’t complain about not meeting anyone fabulous.

Holiday parties also pack more flirtation otential than other parties. People are generally more relaxed as the year winds down. Others review the year and decide to make bold new changes before the clock runs out. Combine these two factors with eggnog, mistletoe, twinkling lights and holiday warmth to spawn a new romance.

Don’t think I forgot about my married friends. Married couples have a few built-in opportunities. Most of you equate the holidays with holiday stress, so you need to look beyond the running around. While you’re decorating the tree, try hanging lights on your headboard or bedroom windows. Next to candlelight, there’s nothing more romantic than soft holiday lights. Use the season to your advantage!

Got kids? No problem! You have a small window of opportunity here to persuade your children to be extra well-behaved. It sounds a little like this: “You don’t want Santa to put you on the bad list do you? Well, make him proud of you and…”: (choose the appropriate phrase)

Take your bath
Clean up your room
Feed the cat
Dry the dishes
Stop fighting
Go to bed when we ask you the first time
Bring Mommy her martini…

Okay, you get the idea, but if you think about it; you can pack a years worth of good behavior into one month! After your cherubs go to bed it’s time to wrap presents with your
spouse. Christmas lights, silk ribbon, soft music, eggnog, and tape should not be wasted! Wrap the presents; then your spouse. If you’re lucky enough to have a fireplace and
falling snow? I refuse to draw you a picture! Take the season and make the most of it. Carmen plans to see if she can solve the Grinch’s “three-sizes-too-small” problem. Jingle all the way!